The creation of a fun, sustainable food brand, including the design of packaging and a webpage, which aims to promote sustainable shopping by curating the content based on current visual and street trends, rather than the traditional method of brown card and scare tactics. The approachable nature and funky style is all about catching attention and being positive.
The logo is bold with an edgy vibe, incorporating a retro typeface to strengthen the notion of being up to date with today’s trends. From marketing to nut bars, the logo is used across all of our platforms to connect our products.​​​​​​​
The Groovi Foods product range features individual nut bars and boxes of nut bars. Each bar is designed with a different pattern and use of colours, to match the flavour of the bar inside, to reinforce the playful essence of the brand. The language used for each bar is approachable while still educational on the back.
The images used throughout the brand deliverables have been chosen to reflect the products. The food products are shown on plain backgrounds to ensure the products and their associating patterns stand out. The aim of the images is to create hunger in the audience, thus encouraging more sales. The backgrounds of the images remain simple so that all focus is on the bars.
As the primary foundation to inform a design team, the brand guide was a critical tool to set designers off on the right foot.
Type styles speak with a positive, energetic voice at any size. Color palettes evoke vibrant scenes with an eye toward product legibility. Styles for future photo and illustration curation keep the brand unified over time. Beyond web-specific needs, I also created recommendations for social media and marketing content, complete with mockups for easy reference.

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